Category Archives: PA House of Representatives

Urge Your State Rep to Reject Stealth Pro-Fracking Bill HB 827

From Conservation Voters of PA

Urge Your State Rep to Reject This Stealth Pro-Fracking Bill!

A sneaky bill is gaining steam in the state House that could open the Delaware River Basin up to fracking.

The Delaware River Basin Commission is so close to permanently banning fracking in the Basin to protect this critical drinking water source from being contaminated. But some pro-fracking politicians have come up with a strategy to block the ban: they’d classify it as eminent domain, which would require the Commission to compensate property owners.

This bill may sound like common sense, but make no mistake – it’s a cynical maneuver to force the agency to choose between going bankrupt and protecting drinking water for 13.3 million people.

Tell your state representative to vote NO on HB 827. Click here.